Location: Đạ Sar commune, Lac Duong, Lam Dong province
Time: Jun 2020
Plants were sprayed with PGP 3 times/crop at the following times:
- When the tree is about 25 cm
- Then spray again every 15 days
Indicators | PGP group | Control group |
Flower diameter (cm) | 6,52 | 6,49 |
Petal length (cm) | 5,38 | 5,330 |
Branch length (cm) | 85,90 | 80,64 |
Total number of flowers harvested (flowers). In there: | 660.000 | 660.000 |
- First grade | 191.400 | 184.800 |
- Second grade | 323.400 | 310.200 |
- Third grade | 145.200 | 165.000 |
Yield bumper | Increase 6,600 flowers of first grade Increase 13,200 flowers of second grade | |
Total revenue (VND) | 858.000.000 | 840.840.000 |
Total expenditure (VND) | 244.650.000 | 244.650.000 |
Profit (VND) | 613.350.000 | 596.190.000 |
Compare | + 17.160.000 | |
Note: The profit level of the demonstration model is excluding the cost of using PGP fertilizer; Selling price of first grade: 2,000 VND/flower; second grade: 1,200 VND/flower; third grade: 600 VND/flower.
- Sensory evaluation: plants grow, develop well, leaves are greener and thicker; large, hard, long flower branches; The color is fresher and the flowers last 2-3 days longer than the control.
- Economic efficiency:
STT | Nội dung | Dùng PGP | Đối chứng |
1 | Tổng chi (đồng) | 247.530.000 | 244.650.000 |
| Giống | 98.000.000 | 98.000.000 |
| Phân bón gốc | 50.250.000 | 50.250.000 |
| Phân bón lá PGP | 2.880.000 | |
| Thuốc BVTV | 26.400.000 | 26.400.000 |
| Labour cost | 70.000.000 | 70.000.000 |
2 | Năng suất thực tế (cành/ha) | 660.000 | 660.000 |
| Giá bán (2.000đ/cành) | 191.400 | 184.800 |
| Giá bán (1.200đ/cành) | 323.400 | 310.200 |
| Giá bán (600đ/cành) | 145.200 | 165.000 |
3 | Tổng thu (đồng) | 858.000.000 | 840.840.000 |
4 | Lợi nhuận (đồng) | 610.470.000 | 596.160.000 |
5 | Chênh lệch | 14.310.000 | |
(Data is extracted from the field report of the Plant Protection Sub-Department of Lam Dong province)
Video at Lam Dong: