Disinfectant water GREENSCEPT

Ingredients: 100% natural
HClO. 0.01%
Water > 99.97%
Completely remove bacteria, viruses, fungi on the surface.
Regularly and periodically disinfect the air, workshop surfaces and tools in the pig, chicken and cow farm... to prevent diseases.
Eliminate odors in the livestock environment to create a clean environment for people and animals.
Hygiene for pets of all ages.
Disinfection of water supply for the whole farm.
Safe when using.
Environmental friendliness.
GREENSCEPT is generated from the electrolysis of table salt or physico-chemical to create HClO solution. GREENSCEPT is a strong antiseptic solution capable of effectively cleaning and disinfecting bacteria, fungi, and viruses on surfaces.
GREENSCEPT is known for a number of researched uses such as high antibacterial ability, the product is widely used in disinfecting against bacteria (E.coli, Coliform bacteria, and some bacteria). other bacteria,...); has the ability to quickly and effectively kill viruses, kill molds, bio-decontamination, disinfect floors, classrooms, wash hands, disinfect medical tools, wash vegetables and fruits. and food cleaning. GREENSCEPT is also used to disinfect contaminated surfaces or used in garbage disposal, medical room areas, patient rooms, machinery ...

GREENSCEPT with African Swine Fever Virus

Test results
Microbiological indicators
User manual
Disinfectant water GREENSCEPT
Foliar Fertilizer PGP